Ways to Give

Your donations allow us, as the body of Christ, to continue ministering to our community and the world. Without you, this would not be possible. Thank you!

You can mail your tithes and offerings to us at 
P.O. Box 266, Port St. Joe, Florida 32457.  You may also take your tithes and offerings to our Ministry Center located at 510 E. 4th Street in Port Saint Joe.  There is a secure drop box located outside by the front door for your convenience.

New Subsplash Giving Platform

Debit and ACH

As you make your first contribution you you can choose to set up an account and start recurring giving or just make a one time contribution.


Worship times

Worship With Us

10 AM: Sunday Worship Service

All times Eastern.

Posted 10 hours ago

We had a lovely dinner tonight. One last Valentine’s celebration for the year ❤️ Read on facebook