United Methodist Women

Are you looking for a way to become more involved in our church both locally and globally, to meet other women and develop meaningful friendships, to contribute your time and talents to missions that focus on women, youth, and children?  If so, United Methodist Women would love to have you join us. We have only one meeting a month but we have many activities that are going on all the time.

Mission Group 1:  3rd Tuesday of the month, 9:30 am in the conference room.  Contact Mitzi Bulgur, 850-229-4969.

Mission Group 4:  3rd Tuesday of the month, 6PM in the Parlor.  Contact Cathy Cox, 850-227-6028.

Service Projects:

• Book Buddies: (working one on one with struggling readers at PSJ Elementary) Thursday mornings. Contact Ann Tison, 850-227-6450

• Libro Buddies:  (working with English as a second language students at PSJ Elementary. No foreign language required). Contact Ann Tison, 850-227-6450.

• Book Club:  Times to be announced- contact Ann Tison, 850-227-6450.

• Care Closet: Tuesday at 9AM. Meet at Care Closet to hang up clothes and then go to lunch together. Contact Jane Griffies, 850-899-0418.

• Services to the Bereaved: serve meals to families of the Bereaved after the funeral service.             Contact Janis Tankersley, 850-227-1200.

If you are unable to attend a regular meeting, you can still be involved by donating items to these local programs that we support.

Mission Projects

• Senior Citizens Center:  cans of Ensure and soup.

• Give a Book: in April donate books to PSJ Elementary

• Food Pantry: Nonperishable foods

• Nursing Home:  send cards to our church residents

• PSJ Elementary Nurses station: ginger ale, underpants, flip flops

• Military Appreciation:  cards, snacks, personal items for care packages

• Salvation Army Domestic Violence:  personal hygiene items, shampoo, toothpaste etc.

Our major fundraiser for the year will occur on January 6th in conjunction with the Methodist Men’s club Butts on the Bay.  We will provide the baked goods and serve the plates. If you would like to help contact Bernadette Hackett- 340-1301.

If you have a heart for Missions and are looking for a way to share God’s love with our community and world please give prayerful consideration to joining our United Methodist Women.

The UMW gathers together to enjoy fellowship, grow closer to God and participate in a variety of outreach programs from local community projects to worldwide missions.  Our UMW has three active mission groups, which include all age groups and convenient meeting times.

For the 3rd year in a row the United Methodist Women gave each Port St. Joe Elementary student a book to take home for the summer.


Worship times

Worship With Us

10 AM: Sunday Worship Service

All times Eastern.

Posted 14 hours ago

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