
Let us Worship the Lord our God, as we set the Altar for our weekly Worship services.

Thank you Neldys Crespo for the freshly baked communion bread! Thank you Karen Etheridge & Tonya Knox for your all of your help this year with so many duties.

The Altar Guild has many behind the scenes actions. From polishing brass, to keeping candles and materials ordered and set, to purchasing or making communion bread & juice, & the setting of liturgical paraments, etc.

FUMC PSJ ALTAR GUIlD has long standing traditions and standards to uphold, and we are looking for more Volunteers 🙌🙏✝️ to help us with these needs. Join us next Sunday, at Noon for an Altar Guild informational meeting and Brunch!

Contact Director of Music, Paul Brown, at [email protected], or 850-247-2164, for additional information on joining the FUMC PSJ Altar Guild.


Worship times

Worship With Us

10 AM: Sunday Worship Service

All times Eastern.

Posted 2 days ago

December 24, 2024 6PM Christmas Eve Service Come, Let Us Adore Him! Watch the video