
On this Inauguration Day, our prayers are with our new president, Joe Biden, and vice-president, Kamala Harris. While in this divisive time, as some supported them and others did not, we are all united in praying for them and asking God to bless them.

Almighty God, bless our new president, Joe Biden, and vice-president, Kamala Harris as they begin to lead our country. Give them wisdom and strength to lead during this challenging hour. We ask that you bless and strengthen our country. Forgive us our sins and heal our land of its brokenness, so that we may be a place of liberty and justice for all. We pray this through Christ our Lord, the author of liberty. Amen.


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10 AM: Sunday Worship Service

All times Eastern.

Posted 12 hours ago

Please pick up an extra bag of candy if you can and bring it to the Great Hall any time before Halloween.... Read on facebook