
I am so excited to say that the Pumpkins are coming! We have heard that they will be here Friday at 12:00 and we will need help unloading the semi. We will need wheelbarrows as well. Please let me know if you will be able to come and help on Friday. ALSO, we need volunteers (most of my youth are quarantined). We will have shifts all day Saturday and Sunday from 11-6 and during the week from 3-7 (2 hour shifts). Please let me know when you can help at the patch. I have a sign up sheet that I will add your name to – please give me a name and date/time you are available. Thank you!


Worship times

Worship With Us

10 AM: Sunday Worship Service

All times Eastern.

Posted 1 day ago

Our Men’s Club is raising money for local missions. Details below: Mardi Gras Jambalaya! Sponsored by FUMC Men’s Club with proceeds benefitting... Read on facebook